“Trtíkova opera Kafkův dopis otci je intimní scénická báseň, hudebně i jevištně velmi krásná a působivá, oslovující diváky podstatnými otázkami.” (Radmila Hrdinová, novinky.cz)

O projektu


Kafka´s Letter to His Father is an ambient chamber opera in two acts based on a letter written by Franz Kafka to his father in 1919. In this correspondence, Kafka attempted to describe the causes and circumstances of their mutual discord, and explain his own life uncertainties and anxieties stemming from this conflict. The new opera, commissioned for the Festival, explores Kafka’s childhood and adolescence, marked by the fear of his despotic and seemingly all-powerful and omnipresent father. Kafka cannot, nor does he wish to, conform to his father’s ideals of masculinity and social roles, and thus resists them in his own way. Kafka finds personal freedom in literary creation, and through literature, manages to escape his father’s authority. Regardless, his father constantly intrudes into his work and is – nonetheless covertly – its source and subject.


Franz Kafka: Timur Bekbosunov
Hermann Kafka: Martin Potoma, Martin Belohlavek, Oleg Jeremin, Stanislav Krejčiřík, Václav Dufek, Jan Nedbal, Johny Stransky, Jiří Schuh, a další
Julie Kafka/Ottla Kafka/Felice Bauer: Victoria Khoroshunova
Piano: Nikolay Pushkarev  Viktor Vítězslav Velát
Trombone: Šimon Pudlovský
Violin: Pavel Hrala
Viola: Viktoria Mendzhul – violist / Františka Barochová
Violoncello: Juraj Škoda
Double bass: Tiago Di Bella, Lukáš Jadrníček
Percussion I: Andrei Pushkarev / Jonathan Chapman
Percussion II: Matěj Diviš / Šimon Veselý
Synthesizers: Jiří Trtík, Klárka Ondračková
Choir director: Lukáš Kozubík
Conductor: Jiří Rožeň Conductor

Tvůrčí tým 

Libretto: Jan Škrob
Stage director: Josef Doležal
Sets: Maxim Velcovsky
Choreography: Jan Adam
Light design: Magdalena Klára Hůlová
Costumes: Marianna Stránská
Sound design: Waltr Řidič, Klárka Ondračková
Video: Prokop




The premiere took place on June 15, 2024, at the National Theatre in Prague.

Link to the event

Review (novinky.cz)

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